FF: The Train

FF F 150626
PHOTO PROMPT – © Kent Bonham

I gunned my car into the parking lot and screeched to a halt in the handicapped spot. Racing into the station, I checked the schedule board. Let’s see… Pennsylvania, I needed to get there, quickly. My wife was having her baby!

It never occurred to me that the narrow alleyway I went through led to the train to Transylvania and not Pennsylvania. I dashed into the train, barely making it before the doors closed.

I found a seat, and threw myself down, tired from the dash. Slowly but surely, I looked up to the woman next to me. She had fangs. I looked to the man sitting on my other side. He had fangs. Everyone on the train had fangs and was smiling at me.

== 125 words ==

Thank you, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple, for hosting Friday Fictioneers where we’re challenged to write a piece of flash fiction in 100 words or less.  Everyone is welcome to participate in Friday Fictioneers by writing your story and connecting it with the blue froggy button below.


FF: The Train

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