SPP: Garden Gremlin War

Jennifer stopped, alert, peering across the yard. Her hand grabbed the gun on her hip.

Photo Credit: Marilyn Armstrong

From the car, Norman could see thousands of garden gremlins coming up the street. He took his flamethrower out from the back seat. Aiming carefully, he caught one of the garden gremlins on the forehead. It went up in flames, igniting four other gremlins around it.

Behind him, they were invading the car along with the food in it.

“Into the house!” He yelled at Jennifer, following her.

Modern science had really screwed it up. Genetically modified foods were now starting to take over the world.

== 101 ==

Thank you to Marilyn Armstrong for sponsoring SERENDIPITY PHOTO PROMPT 2015 #15 – SUNLIGHT THROUGH LEAVES . We are asked to write a story without boundaries to her prompt(s) (or anything else of our own fancy) and post a link to our story here.

SPP: Garden Gremlin War

7 thoughts on “SPP: Garden Gremlin War

  1. FCM says:

    There is more truth to this than fiction. I’m following a no processed food, no sugar, no dairy, no animal products, no oils diet. It’s called R.A.V.E. Diet. There is literally nothing to eat. Even potatoes are treated with a chemical to keep them from growing their shoots in grocery stores. “I’m meeelting…”

    Liked by 1 person

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