Gag! Sequel sequel sequel!! Cough!

Oh Gag!  Sequel sequel sequel!!  Cough!

A typo to a writer is like a fire to a fireman.  Stomp that sucker out!

I just can’t continue…  this simply has started my day like fingernails on a blackboard.

EEEaaach!  Havoc and chaos rein this morning in the WordPress Daily Prompt!  “Sequel sequel!!!!”  omg, I’m plugging my ears.  My brain’s doing flips.  I can’t stand it.

Aren’t seqeuls birds that fly in flocks over the ocean?  I’m so confused…  Or maybe it’s my morning coffee making me crazy (or Ativan withdrawal?).

Reponse to Missing Seqeuls Wordpress Daily Prompt:  If you could create a sequel to one favorite (standalone) movie, which would it be? How would it build on the original?

Gag! Sequel sequel sequel!! Cough!

5 thoughts on “Gag! Sequel sequel sequel!! Cough!

    1. I’m going to rub up against you and get some of your sweet forgiving nature.

      Oh yikes, you’re naked! (no I’m not high, just feeling good after a good nights sleep :))


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