10/18/22 The Duran: US inflation numbers are really bad. Biden says everything is under control

Inflation is still here and it’s really bad. But let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about Trump.

10/18/22 The Duran: US inflation numbers are really bad. Biden says everything is under control

10/18/22 The Duran: US inflation numbers are really bad. Biden says everything is under control

NETC: 10/17/22 10:17 ET US Nuclear Radiation

Eight US sites are registering over 400 CPM today. The minimum safe dose for nuclear radiation is 0.

NETC: 10/17/22 10:17 ET US Nuclear Radiation

#HanfordNuclearReservation #Richland #Washington #Fukushima #CountsPerMinuteRadioactiveIsotopesCesium137 #NETC #RadioactivePlume

NETC: 10/17/22 10:17 ET US Nuclear Radiation

10/17/22 Fox: Radioactive waste found at Missouri elementary school https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/ap-radioactive-waste-found-at-missouri-elementary-school/ Search for Superfund Sites. Do you live near one? https://www.epa.gov/superfund/search-superfund-sites-where-you-live

10/17/22 Fox: Radioactive waste found at Missouri elementary school

Search for Superfund Sites. Do you live near one?

10/17/22 Fox: Radioactive waste found at Missouri elementary school https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/ap-radioactive-waste-found-at-missouri-elementary-school/ Search for Superfund Sites. Do you live near one? https://www.epa.gov/superfund/search-superfund-sites-where-you-live

End Times Prophecy has updated their mass die-off list.

End Times Prophecy has updated their mass die-off list.

10/14/22 Mass Animal Deaths for 2022 (scroll down)

#SixthMassExtinction #NuclearFallout #OceanDieOff #Fukushima #EndlessPollution #FossilFuels #ClimateChange

End Times Prophecy has updated their mass die-off list.

10/06/22 Antiwar: Report: US Intelligence Believes Ukraine Was Behind Killing of Darya Dugina

10/06/22 Antiwar: Report: US Intelligence Believes Ukraine Was Behind Killing of Darya Dugina

Report: US Intelligence Believes Ukraine Was Behind Killing of Darya Dugina

#Ukraine #Russsia #US #DaughterOfRussianPhilosopherAlexanderDuginKilled #DaryaDugina #UkraineCovertOperationsInsideRussia

10/06/22 Antiwar: Report: US Intelligence Believes Ukraine Was Behind Killing of Darya Dugina

10/06/22 ABC: Dozens dead after mass shooting at child-care center in Thailand, police say

10/06/22 ABC: Dozens dead after mass shooting at child-care center in Thailand, police say

#Thailand #MassShooting #ChildCareCenter #36Dead

10/06/22 ABC: Dozens dead after mass shooting at child-care center in Thailand, police say

10/05/22 KTLA: Sheriff: All 4 members of kidnapped family found dead in Merced County

10/05/22 KTLA: Sheriff: All 4 members of kidnapped family found dead in Merced County

#US #California #MercedCounty #KidnappedFamilyKilled

10/05/22 KTLA: Sheriff: All 4 members of kidnapped family found dead in Merced County

10/05/22 Common Dreams: ‘Cruel Disregard for Life’: Rights Groups Condemn Iran’s Deadly Attacks on Protesters

10/05/22 Common Dreams: ‘Cruel Disregard for Life’: Rights Groups Condemn Iran’s Deadly Attacks on Protesters

#Iran #DeadlyCrackdownOnAntigovernmentProtesters #MahsaAmini #KilledByIranMoralityPolice

10/05/22 Common Dreams: ‘Cruel Disregard for Life’: Rights Groups Condemn Iran’s Deadly Attacks on Protesters

10/05/22 Common Dreams: Freelance Photographer Says He Was Fired by NYT Over Support for Palestinian Resistance

10/05/22 Common Dreams: Freelance Photographer Says He Was Fired by NYT Over Support for Palestinian Resistance

#NewYorkTimes #NYT #NYTFiresFreelanceJournalistForBeingProPalestinian #HosamSalem #NYTSackingPalestinianJournalists

10/05/22 Common Dreams: Freelance Photographer Says He Was Fired by NYT Over Support for Palestinian Resistance

10/05/22 Antiwar: EU Agrees on Sanctions to Impose Price Cap for Russian Oil

10/05/22 Antiwar: EU Agrees on Sanctions to Impose Price Cap for Russian Oil

EU Agrees on Sanctions to Impose Price Cap for Russian Oil

#EU #NewRoundOfSanctionsAgainstRussiaIncludingPriceCapOnOil #RussiaWillRespondBySlashingOilProduction

10/05/22 Antiwar: EU Agrees on Sanctions to Impose Price Cap for Russian Oil